
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Isaiah - One Year Old

All cred to VerityTanPhotography
When Isaiah was a newborn, his mellow, happy personality amazed me. He cried hard when he was born, but then it took him about two or three weeks to figure out how to cry again. And he rarely did. It also took him about two or three weeks to figure out how to look us in the eye and smile, which he was happy to do all the time.

Isaiah is now one year (and a few days) old and how things have changed!!

All that was mellow and easy about him has morphed into TODDLER - Isaiah is busy, wiggly, curious, and opinionated.

Look at these pics: Itty bitty baby bundle headed home from the hospital vs. one year old. The growth floors me.

Isaiah loves playgrounds - he climbs up the slides, moves dirt and rocks one fistful at a time, and tries to walk up and down the stairs. He crawls and cruises everywhere. If he sees a fan running, he makes a beeline to it to turn it off making us all start sweating until we notice what he did.

Isaiah also loves water play. At the pool, he kicks and flails trying to swim through the water. He dunks his face under and splashes big. When we wash his hands, he splashes the stream of water everywhere. He once put his hand in the toilet water. Or at least once that I noticed! 

Isaiah likes to stand for a minute at a time holding onto nothing and bouncing up and down. When he does this, he looks straight at me with big blue/gray eyes, I say "Isaiah you're standing!" and he proudly beams showing off his two little bottom teeth and his gigantic top teeth. Then, when I tell him to walk, he laughs and immediately drops to hands and knees.

Isaiah has a strong affinity toward anything with a handle, especially if it's stick shaped. He grabs and carries around his toothbrush, sippy cup, his sister's fairy wand, his sisters' hairbrush, etc. When we get in the car, I always turn on the engine and blast the A/C before I put him in his carseat. The moment I sit down to put the key in the ignition, he grabs the first stick-like thing he sees which means he usually turns on the blinker.

My first child sucked her thumb to fall sleep. My second child was addicted to her pacifiers. When the third was on the way I wondered which it would be… the paci or a finger? Wrong! Isaiah loves to chew and suck on his stuffed zonkey's ears to fall asleep. His two zonkey's ears have turned from cream to orangish/brownish. When we do laundry (which is all the time), one of his two zonkeys is always in there.

When it's time for him to leave or let go of any of these favorite things - a fairy wand, a rock, a playground - we tell him to say "bye-bye." If we forget this, he melts down into tears and throws his head back in frustration.

Isaiah is a total mama's boy. And I love it! When I show up, his whole body lights up. When I leave or when he thinks I'm going to leave, he cries. He loves riding around on my hip watching me put dishes away or make a cup of tea.

When Isaiah gets sleepy, he rubs his eyes, crawls to the nearest pillow or parent and snuggles in. When we notice him doing this, we scoop him up and have a big snuggle sesh, enjoying his soft, pudgy baby body and the feel of his big, fuzzy head resting against us.


Isaiah, I've always wanted a third child, and when I asked God for my third child, I asked that he would be a chubby, happy baby boy. I got all that… and so much more. You are a dream come true and your mama and dada love you.

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