
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Isaiah - 2 years old

Isaiah turned two last month. What is he like these days? Here are a few little stories that capture a lot of the essence of two-year-old Isaiah.


Late this afternoon, as dinnertime was approaching, I turned on the TV for the kids and got busy cooking. As usual, Isaiah heard my noises in the kitchen, came downstairs, grabbed a kitchen chair with his two hands, pushed it across the kitchen to the counter where I was preparing dinner, and climbed up standing next to me.

He busied himself with whatever kitchen things he could reach from his perch on the kitchen chair while I put greens and veggies into a bowl to make a salad. I sliced the top quarter off a lemon and squeezed the juice over the top.

"Mommy, want some lemon!" Isaiah said. So I gave him the rest of the lemon to hold.

"Slice it, Mommy!"

"You want a slice? Here you go." I handed him a circle of lemon and he squeezed the juice over the top of the salad, just like mommy.

Sometimes Isaiah and I prep a mountain of vegetable sticks for healthy munching. He loves it when I let him hold the carrot and the peeler. My large hands gently hold and guide his dimpled chubby hands that grip the carrot and the peeler. As the peels fall into the trash, he exclaims, "Oooo, mommy!"

Most mornings, Michael makes eggs for himself. If Isaiah is up in time, he helps. Michael cracks the eggs into a bowl and Isaiah beats them with a fork in just a few swift motions without spilling a drop.

Many, many hours are spent with this boy in the kitchen:

Isaiah is talking up a storm these days. He particularly loves his big sisters' most used phrases...
Look at me!
Can I see?
Can I try?
That's mine!
And my new favorite: What are you doing, Mommy?
His most impressive sentences are six or more words all strung together. Often they are about construction sites that he sees while I drive, "Oooo, Mommy, look! A cement truck out Cora's window!" Cement truck is pronounced "heh-ment truck."

Isaiah was thrilled when Daddy parked the car and walked him onto a construction site:

He also loves to sing. Amazing Grace, ABC's, Let it Go, Twinkle Twinkle and a couple Thai songs are his favorites.

When asked what color something is, Isaiah very confidently answers the wrong color. When asked to count, he says something along the lines of, "one two three four five six seven eleven twelve thirteen" while pointing to objects randomly and sometimes pointing to the same object two or three times.


Isaiah started going to nursery/daycare at his sister's Thai school. The first two days he yell-cried... but only for two minutes. Since then, he hasn't cried at all. He is a bundle of cute energy whenever I pick him up. Today he told me "Anuban is so fun." This weekend, he started singing a Thai song about a butterfly that we've never taught him, must've picked it up at school!


Isaiah, It is an absolute joy to get to be your Mommy. I am so proud of you, buddy!

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